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Thursday 19 May 2011

One Shot Production

Documentation on Logo Design
Our group focused our attention towards the aesthetic and logic part of our logo creation. We emphasised the importance of having a meaning in our logo at the same time considering the aspects of the principle of designs. We name our group One Short Production based on the fact that One refers to us being united throughout this project focusing on our task working as a ONE unit and moving forward together. Shot refers to the different shot sizes and frames that are required in achieving our intended video. The whole process of one unit working as a team creating a video through various shots creates a Production. Hence One Shot Production is formed with one objective, to create a video with multiple shots and working as a team in producing an end product, a production.

The colours of the logo has not been finalised yet. It is still under construction. The first logo, the one at top is the chosen logo. The second logo beneath the first is just another logo that we had designed.

We appreciate critics and comments from you based on our logo.

Thank you very the much, (:
we can if we think we can! =)

Our Blog is still under servicing! Will be updating about or project soon! =)
we can if we think we can! =)

Wednesday 11 May 2011

·         Duration of the film
·         Team name
·         Blog account update
This is a short meet-up due to busy schedule on that week.
Duration of the film
Since the requirement is 8-12 min, we decide to make it 10min for our final film.
Team name
Our proposed team name would be “ONE SHOT PRODUCTION”.
The reason why we choose this team name:
·         One represent moving as “ONE”,  work as one whole team together
·         Shot represent all frame to one whole shot
Documentation about our logo would be done.
Blog account update

we can if we think we can! =)

Wednesday 4 May 2011

·         Trailer
·         updates


We are not too sure which suggestion is better, Introduction film or promotional film or both.
During the meeting, we had approach Jose about it.

What Jose had suggested:

It’s better to do up both different type of trailer one, “Introduction trailer” & “promotional trailer”. For “Introduction trailer”, the benefits we would get, it able to helps to prepare for audio, video & treatment purpose.  It’s to trigger our target audience to emotion & feeling about the film.

For Actor wise, we do not need to worry much, we are able to find use our teammate as the talents.  For “promotional trailer”, we can come up with a talent audition as to use it to promote the film.  Factor/element we should take note: clothes, make-up, wall colour, colour treatment. This is to enhance the whole film.


Thing to be done by next meeting:

·         Timeline: Katherine will do up the time-line by tomorrow, 5/5/2011
·         Website/Blog: Syahirah will do up a blog for update purpose and website design
·         Social public:  Syahirah in-charge of creating social media account ( Blogger, you-tube)
·         Storyboard/ script: Khairi & Aini will in-charged.

For the next meeting:
We should come to conclusion that the,
·         Script: Study about script (50%  done) + Storyboard
·         Timeline
·         New E-mail account should be done by next week.
·         What should we do for our “Introduction trailer”


9th May– 15th May 2011

I’m starting on next Monday onward, to give these 2 days a slacking break.

As what we had mentioned, next wed (11th may 2011) script should be 50% done, so I am making to finish it by the deadline, sun (15th may 2011).
This include the storyboard have to done by that. So that we could do a discussion with our advisor, Jose, on the next 2 meeting, wed (18th may 2011)
18th May 2011 (Wed)
Storyboard discussion with our advisor, Jose + the film name
22th May 2011 (Sun)
Storyboard has to be finalized by that.
25th May 2011 (wed)
Final discussion about the “Introduction trailer” which include,
·         Storyline
·         Character
·         Location
·         Equipments
·         Make-up, clothes  and colour treatment that we want
·         Time-line for production & post-production

*we need to discuss about the time-line for this, so that I can include these factor on the final time-line sheet  (which what you are reading now)
26th May 2011 – 4th June 2011
Finalize the character
Mid-discussion about logo design &Ads purpose (wed, 1st June 2011)
Start on an audition for promotional trailer and the film
7th June 2011 – 14TH  June 2011
In between this period, talents have to be finalize and start working out with them with the schedule.

*remember to get his/her contact number, would they able to commit their time.

Script should be given to them for memorize purpose

Credit roll: It would credit to them.

8th June 2011: logo design have to be done by now
End June 2011 - July 2011 period
Production start

*We should have a discussion during meeting about this beforehand
As I don’t have any idea how to fix in the time
August 2011 period
Post-production & “Promotional trailer” start

We have to do up a “promotional trailer” by that

GUYS: This is only the rough idea that I have within this semester 1 period. I will still continue to update you guys with an additional detail/information.  Any doubts, could point out during the next meeting.


we can if we think we can! =)



Team Members:-
Noor Aini Bte Mohd. Azman (Director)
Siti Syahirah Bte A. Razak
Katherine Aw
Lee Tzy Ian
Muhammad Khairi Bin Omar

School: Republic Polytechnic

Words Here...~!

*_TAGG! ;))_*


♥ Achieving 2 productions by the end of the year

♥ Finish up our first production



Link/Add Up =)~!



~ April 2011~
~ May 2011~
~ June 2011~

Thanks To...♥

Others: DeviantArt, Photobucket

Link Me!

Don't Remove Credits!