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Thursday 28 April 2011


·         Updates
·         Roles allocation


Task need to be done:
-          Script
-          Storyboard
-          Characterisation (Done)
-          Trailer (mid-discussion)

-          Thought of using the theme light and darkness
-          Showing the confusing state
Roles allocation:


Script writer
·         Who directs and guides the actors and crews.

·         Writing out the whole story & dialogue.

Assistant Director

DP (directing photography)


·         Do the shooting schedule.
·         Preparing daily call sheets.
·         Checking the arrival of cast and crew.
·         Maintaining order.

·         Video treatment

·         In-charge of doing website design
Audio Editor


·         In-charge of doing Audio

·         In-charge of research places (racking)

·         Keep track with our schedule
·         Arranging date & time for certain event


Stage manager
·         In-charge of doing up story-boarding
·         Co-operate with script-writer

·         In-charge of controlling the scene such as lighting, props etc..


·         Doing up the time-line
·         Keep track with our schedule
·         Arranging date & time for certain event

·         Video editing

·         Updating blog

Remarks: Each of us had our own main roles but we will learn from each other’s role to make the job easier. There will be changes of roles for different production.

we can if we think we can! =)

Wednesday 27 April 2011

·         Language used for script
·         Research regarding this disease, “Schizophrenia”
1.       What kind of disease it is?
2.       What causes such diseases?
3.       Signs/symptoms of disease
4.       Any another form of side-effect for this disease
5.       Any another form of disease (MPD)
6.       Is that any way to cope with such diseases?
·         Roles
·         Short film trailer

Language used for script
Initially, we thought of using Malay language for our film, “Schizophrenia” to making it differently and uniquely. We want to explore more about Malay language production, experience it in different way. However, after much consideration, we decided to stick on English language, as we don’t to create any restriction to our audience. Moreover, we have Chinese and Malay team member. It’s better to have it in English instead as we can have more basic ideas/concepts about English short film.

Research regarding this disease, “Schizophrenia”
1.       What kind of disease it is?
2.       What causes such diseases?
3.       Signs/symptoms of disease
4.       Any another form of side-effect for this disease
5.       Any another form of disease (MPD)
6.       Is that any way to cope with such diseases?

Regarding the question we have question ourselves, we have do some research work.
We get to interview the psychiatrist to make it stronger and convincing as well as to understand more about the diseases. -> Source of Authority
Moreover, we did some online research work.


Basically, it talked about how people who suffer with such disease, they also have some illusion and imaginary voice talking to them. Example: Listening some sound which is irritating, voices which calling them to hurt themselves, some negative comment which influence their mind and manipulate their mind doing something bad. A tiny percent of it would result turning violent or commit suicide. Both female and male have the chance of getting such diseases.

Just a short draft of what we going to do for our talents:
Siti Nur Anna bte Adam (main)
Age: 17 years old
The only child in the family.
A very bright student
An introvert. Soft-hearted.
Having a schizophrenia illness. (due to her mother who vent out her anger to)
Khadijah bte Ibrahim(Mother) 
Age: 44
Not highly educated person. Highest qualification was secondary education. Last work as caterer at SPW coffee shop cafeteria.  A full-time housewife after marriage.
Adam bin Hussein (Father)
Age: 49
Currently working as a chief executive Always outstation.
Very understanding person.
And did not underestimate people.

Khalisah bte Ibrahim (Aunty)
Age: 47
Polytechnic Graduate with Diploma of Infocomm Technology.
A full-time housewife after marriage.
Stop working because of her illness (Schizophrenia).
A hardworking and warmth person.

Ahmad Rizwan bin Abdul Safwan (Cousin)
Age: 18
ITE Student with Diploma in Electronics.
An independent person with a good sense of responsibility and caring.
Has a close relationship with Anna since young.

Short film trailer
We wanted to start-up 2 different trailer, one would be the introduction trailer and another would be promotional trailer.

Introduction trailer: It’s teaser which create the curiosity of audience to look forward to our short film. Also, it’s our first introduction about what’s about our film. It takes up to 1 min.

Promotional trailer: It’s the common movie/short film trailer that we had always seen. We are still deciding on the timing.

Example/concept: Link

Some little pointer that we have during discussion:
·         Directing the talents are much important than the script but it depends.
·         Focus more of visuals than on the dialogue.
·         Jump cut method– mixing up during the editing such as, transition of sad and happy to portray the feeling of disorder. This is more of visuals.
·         If have an interview, we can put it in the video at the end.
§  Take photographs (DSLR) (16:9) or using video recorder

Overall, it is better to focus on the visuals and way of acting from the casts rather than the script.

-Katherine, 93852

we can if we think we can! =)

Wednesday 20 April 2011

·         Question for clarify
·         Example of educational/documentary
·         Note to be taken
·         FYP stories
Questions Answered by Jose:
Roles in term of:
·         As you know, production involves many roles. In a small production, one person may do more than one role. Maybe you will want to rotate roles so that you can each get some different experiences.
·         However, if there is a question about camera/lighting setup, then the person who is DP must look into it. If there is money involved, there must be a treasurer. If there is talent/location involved, there must be a producer. If there is a script and acting involved, there must be a writer and a director. If there is schedules and equipment involved, there must be an AD. If there is a question about audio, then the audio person needs to look into it. If there is a question about editing, the editor.
·         You will not be successful if you do not clearly identify who is going to do what roles. The people with chosen/assigned roles must make effort to be good in that role or you need to change them.

Loans of equipment

·         Each role needs to make a list of equipment needed and when. The AD should schedule and the producer should find out how to obtain it.

How many production works must we make
·         Plan at least 3 production concepts, based on feedback from selected people choose to make 2, make sure at least 1 is super good. Document everything, especially the process. Make sure you give enough time to modify your result based on feedback and to submit for competitions.

When must each production be completed
·         Plan to complete the final videos latest by 4 Oct (production and post-production) which is the end of the semester break. Some of you will start internships 1 or 2 weeks before that so you will encounter problems trying to meet up.
·         This will give you semester 2 work on your final report, package and promote the videos. You should also always be looking for ways to submit videos for competition.  

What kind of schedule/time frame need to be done

·         Work out your detailed schedule based on the above.

Extra manpower like the actors. And what kind of help can they do? Like can they be the help for our crew, or just the actors.

·         Your producer needs to work with your director and writer to find out how many are needed. You then need to think of a way to identify these people, e.g. auditions, and how to motivate them, e.g. money, fame, etc.

What if the Vietnam opportunity clash with our Internship

·         Remember what I said about having at least 3 concepts/plans to start with. I expect you to have more than 3, and maybe the Vietnam idea is just 1 possibility. Producer and writer need to keep coming up with alternatives, judge the feasibility. If you just go with only 1 idea, I'm quite sure you will fail your FYP.

Example of documentary & educational
Some Ideas/concepts that we have during our discussion:
·         Compulsive behaviours. (topic)
·         Example: Gambling
·         Get external opportunities like competition.
·         Vietnam trip suggested by Jose
During the discussion, we think that more educational video should be made instead of documentary.  Our first draft/idea is to make an educational short film.
Notes taken:
·         *send email regularly to show our progress to Jose
·         Storyboards & Script
·         Interview people about film
·         Explore locations
·         Background music/Audio/Sound track
·         Cut away shots. Example: Interviewing a gambler, cut away of the visual of what happened)
·         Visual aids
·         Different cameras for different roles or topic or shots.
·         Body language
Stories discussed:
Our first short film, we will be do about “Schizophrenia”, it’s a disease which causes imaginary event and conversation, which would be the main points for the cause of this illness, “Schizophrenia”.
Example: He getting bullied because he is clever, which attract people attention, people who had red eye on him, will force him to do work for them.
The reason cause such illness is due to:
1) Top student – result’s drop due to friends influence
2) Nerd, top student – bullied by friends ( was force to do work for them )
3) Examination stress – wanting to maintain the standard of being the top student. She is very hardworking person.  Demons and angle came into the picture to brainwash him.

From here we have come out with a short synopsis, it written by Aini.

Short synopsis:

All parents just want the best from us. In this story, Anna was forced to obtain good and remarkable results for her studies. This is not to embarrass both her parents whom currently holding higher post in a company and not forgetting having a master in bachelor in business studies. With this
Anna has been obtaining good results till she’s known as the top scorer in the school.

Thus, one fine day, she found out that Lily, her classmate, defeated her in Mathematics. That was her first time being defeated and she knew that something’s wrong with her, lately. She’s down with stress. Ever heard of Schizophrenia?

Due to obtaining good results, she spent most of her time studying and she doesn’t bother of having friends cause of all she knows, she just want to fulfil her parents’ wish.


we can if we think we can! =)



Team Members:-
Noor Aini Bte Mohd. Azman (Director)
Siti Syahirah Bte A. Razak
Katherine Aw
Lee Tzy Ian
Muhammad Khairi Bin Omar

School: Republic Polytechnic

Words Here...~!

*_TAGG! ;))_*


♥ Achieving 2 productions by the end of the year

♥ Finish up our first production



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~ April 2011~
~ May 2011~
~ June 2011~

Thanks To...♥

Others: DeviantArt, Photobucket

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